Friday, May 29, 2009

Poor Fishie

My dear sister in law, Mary, gave Sarah a goldfish for her birthday. I gave Mary the evil eye and she promptly threw up her hands and said "Hey, I could have bought her a kitten." Good point. Fishie can stay.
"What's his name, Sarah?" By the way, how the heck can you tell if a fish is male or female???
"His name be Goldfish." Apparently Goldfish had already been dropped several times on his way home.
So we got him settled into his little fish tank, gave him some food and left him swimming happily, probably relieved that he was out of the hands of an almost three year old.
Goldfish the First lasted about three weeks before I found him seriously listing on his side at the top of the tank. It's a good idea to change the fishie's water on a regular basis otherwise they suffocate. Who knew?? Sarah wanted to feed Fishie and didn't quite get it that Fishie didn't need food anymore.
Our neighbours across the street have goldfish in their pond. They generously offered to give Sarah three of them and gave me some tips on the general care and maintenance of goldfish. Blow some bubbles into the water to reoxygenate the water, and change the water every 5 days or so. Got it, Larry. Thanks.
Two days later Sarah and I are blowing bubbles into the fish tank, making sure Goldfish Junior, Goldfish the Third and Goldfish the Fouth have enough oxygen. Sarah forgets to take the straw out of the water before reoxygenating herself and swallows a gulp of nasty pond water. Mental note to self: Blow bubbles into the tank when Sarah is not around.
Goldfish Junior and Goldfish the Third are discovered floating about three days after the bubble blowing incident. Sarah doesn't even miss 'em.
Goldfish the Fourth seems to be made of hearty stock and is still swimming happily. He gets some nice, clean water and a whole tank to himself. He gets fed and bubbled until TODAY when I saw him in exactly the same spot as Fishie the First, dead. He's still there. I can't make myself get rid of him.
Sarah doesn't care. She knows there's a whole pond of fish across the street. And she knows Larry'll give her another one.
I care. Dead fish are gross. Where can I hide the fish tank?

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